Global Meditation For Peace
We are metaphysical beings. Our senses go beyond the physical, into the realms of emotion and spirit. We are fully capable of solving the conundrums of the world and transmuting the mind-bending, confusional issues which lead us to doubt our own divinity.
Yet, our extremely capable, but overactive, monkey minds are very familiar to us, keeping us tied to habitual, counterproductive thoughts and systems which keep us believing all we hear and see. This hopeless practice feels safe when we are in doubt, denial, or fear. This is true even when we are lost in repetitive, unnecessary thoughts.
We believe we are making sense of untenable situations, such as war, death, and destruction, but without all of our senses in play.
Similarly to viral variants, without fresh inspiration, we will keep repeating our age-old mistakes, because our monkey minds can only produce variations of old solutions that have not yet corrected the source of our problems.
It has been said that if an infinite number of monkeys type an infinite number of random keystrokes, they will eventually retype the complete works of William Shakespeare. But, do monkeys have the level of inspiration to create a comparable work? Or, do they primarily repeat the actions which they already know?